Start-up business ventures in Suffolk can gain independent and free business advice via StartUp Suffolk’s team of Voluntary Enterprise Champions. These are skilled and experienced entrepreneurs who are also commercial philanthropists, willing to share their knowledge with start-ups at no cost in order to disseminate best practice, fresh ideas and tips for business success. They can help you to define what success looks like for you, so that you can go on to achieve your business dreams.
Free services include:
- Voluntary Enterprise Champions, who are matched with relevant business owners to share their entrepreneurial experience and success-boosting tips.
- Business Planning advice and tips – how to write a clear Business Plan that will help and guide you every day in your business.
- Referrals to other business experts for sector-specialist advice (and a commitment to help you find relevant expertise if that is not available within our existing team of Voluntary Enterprise Champions).
- Advice and commercial know-how to boost your funding success, with guidance on the most appropriate sources (e.g. grant-giving bodies, crowd-funding, Government/ statutory and commercial sources etc) dependent on your individual circumstances.
Contact StartUp Suffolk now to be matched with a Voluntary Enterprise Champion and for free start-up advice and support.